Friday, February 06, 2009

Spot the difference

Above : Huge mole caught in the act on the main field

Well, things are still pretty quiet here at the moment due to the time of year and cold weather, but there's been a huge amount going on in the past few weeks. Visitors should notice quite a few changes since the new year, and here's a quick photo summary.

We've been busy...digging a huge trench across the main field to allow the radio club to connect to their aerial (and to supply power to the centre of the site for big events)...refurbishing downstairs in the Richmond Chalet...digging a drainage ditch behind the chalet...installing a new PA system into the wet weather hall...putting up a new climbing (traversing) wall in the hall...doing some more DIY work in the staffhut as well as the usual onsite activities for the groups who have been staying. Anyway, enough waffle - here's the photos.

Above : Halfway through digging the trench for the cables

Above :digging a drainage ditch to coax the rainwater away from the Richmond Chalet.

Above : Newly-refurbished dining room with kid-resistant plastic easy-clean walls. May also be the world's largest whiteboard now.

Above : New Richmond kitchen midway to completion

Above : starting out on the new traversing wall in the wet weather hall
Above : Come and have a go - those who suffer from vertigo need not apply :-)

Above : We were delighted to receive a visit from Mr Rod Stewart, who unveiled the new PA system. Despite having put on a bit of weight in recent years, his voice is still in top form.

Above : The Bridge of Weir scouts resorted to desperate measures in order to save diesel while travelling to camp

Above : Staff weightlifting endurance competition - Bob showing everyone how it's done with a winning time of 1 minute 30 seconds

Above : Ginga showing everyone how it's not done with a dismal time of 26 seconds