Above : Local scouts awake to find themselves magically transported to Narnia
Just when it looked like the summer days were nearly here again, along came an unexpected weather front which left the whole site with a light dusting of snow. The first person to witness the snow was a certain un-named Fellowship member (not a million miles away from here) who decided to pop outside at the unearthly time of 7:15am in order to take some photographs of the snow for the blog. Unfortunately for him, the other staff (who were all soundly sleeping in the hut) had neglected to inform him that they had changed the code for the combination lock on the front of the staffhut, and thus the intrepid photographer found himself locked outside in the freezing cold for some considerable time until he could be rescued.
Henry, who is normally up at the crack of dawn, unexpectedly decided to treat himself to a long lie, and thus it was not until ten past eight that our hero finally made it back into the warmth of the hut.

Above : Trying to thaw out the flags before flagbreak.
As the snow deepened, most of the morning activities were cancelled - even flagbreak, although some intrepid scouts decided to go ahead with it anyway. The Airdrie scouts who were staying in the Richmond Chalet made the most of the snow, which included pelting their leaders (and the Chalet) with snowballs before they were marched back inside.

Above : Airdrie scouts making the most of the disappearing snow.

Above : Luckily there was plenty of work to be getting on with in the staffhut.

Above : Scott of the Antarctic
Just as suddenly as it had appeared, the snow disappeared and the sun came out. By this time, most of the groups were packing up to go home, although some of them did manage to take part in a few of the site activities.

Above : the sun waited until the last group had left before making a grand return.
The staff, meanwhile, got on with a few more interesting task, including the one which they had avoided all weekend. During the week, a large squad had made a trip to Edinburgh to collect lots of equipment and furniture from a school which is closing down - and had returned with a wooden rowing boat which they planned to put in the playpark.

Above : Captain Bob and his loyal crew set sail for the playpark
Led on by the fearless Captain Bob, the crew swiftly moved the boat to its mooring in the middle of the play area, ready for lots of pint-sized pirates to play with in the future.

Above : safely docked and waiting for some kids to arrive