A slightly quieter weekend than anticipated due to the mystery non-appearance of a Guide group.
Weather - wildly variable
Staff - Bob, Ali, Dave, Neil, Henry, Stevie, Ginga and a fleeting appearance by Coco.
Visitors - Scouts from Edinburgh, Airdrie and Kirkcaldy plus a couple of birthday party groups on the Sunday.
A fairly busy day of activities on the saturday with weather ranging from very nice to very cold.
A rather successful weekend in terms of work with the main task being the relocation of the million or so cubic metres of wood chips which Bob had purchased for the site, the main purpose of these being to provide a nice, safe and soft landing area around various activities.
The new Jacob's ladder area had already been mostly filled with chips during the week, so all that was left was to level this out. Job completed, it was then time to check that the staff kettle was working correctly (a necessary routine which must be carried out every 2 hours or so).