Above : Ian bonds with his new friend at flagbreak
Despite saying last weekend that there would be no more quiet weekends (visitor-wise), one more managed to sneak in. Saturday was exceptionally quiet on the activities front (see photos) - with a total of four paying customers and a staff/participant ratio of over 2!
Like last weekend though, lots of activity elsewhere on site. Flagbreak on saturday got off to a bizarre start when someone sneaked up and tied on a furry toy (fox?) in place of one of the flags early in the morning. After flagbreak, most of the groups onsite packed up and left, having been there all week, and it was time to sort things out ready for the next groups arriving.
Photos from the weekend below - including the major task of the weekend which was removing a huge amount of soggy toilet-roll from the inside roof of the toilet block (male and femle); a fairly regular occurance as kids seem to find it fun, despite being told not to do it at every flagbreak...

Above : Scottish Fellowship loading up equipment for Blair Atholl jamboree next week.

Above : Busiest activity sheet of the year!

Above : The Explorer group had slightly lower numbers than expected.

Above : Work is well underway to reclad the office/reception building in the same style as the staffhut.

Above : Finished stage with partially-finished gazebo

Above : High drama on saturday afternoon when thieves ramraided the staffhut and stole the sausage rolls!

Above : In the absence of spare ropes or pulleys, Ian and Craig have to function as tent poles for 2 days while the canvas dries off.

Above : Stevie and Bob playing 'toilet gladiators'