Possibly the wettest weekend of the year so far, but most activities went ahead as usual as the many youngsters didn't seem to notice the rain at all. Saturday morning saw torrential rain which caused the cancellation of a few activities (abseiling and bungee trampoline), but the rest all ran successfully albeit in a slightly modified form (the go-kart track now contained a significant water-feature to negotiate).
After a brief respite in the afternoon (which caused many to discard their waterproofs), the rain appeared again and proceeded to soak everything in sight.
After a very busy and wet day, the staff retired to the staffhut for a rather belated Burns Supper (after spotting some rather keenly-priced haggis in Tescos the previous evening).
Although an outdoor campfire had been planned for the saturday evening, it was obviously going to be far too wet so an indoor variation was quickly arranged for everyone (Brownies, cubs, explorers) which seemed to be very popular.
Sunday started off exactly as Saturday had - torrential rain. Although one group of day visitors turned up and immediately decided to leave, another two braved the weather and seemed to have a great time (the Girls' Brigade even having an end-of-day barbeque!)